This blog is to follow my internship at Burney Harris Lyons Middle School with Mr. Corley's 8th grade science classes. It is part of the Learning Through Service project at Classic City PLC.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Activity 4

I'm not going to BHL this week because of early release/parent-teacher conferences, but I can still knock out one of these activity things...

Topic 4 - Identifying Your Learning Style

Task One:
According to the Learning Styles Inventory, I am a Kinesthetic/Tactile learner. My total in this area was 20, closely followed by a 17 in the Visual category, but only a 13 in the Auditory category.

Task Two: The Tactile and Kinesthetic Learner
"Tactile and kinesthetic learners benefit most from 'hands on' activities. They usually clarify ideas by writing them down and understand formulas by manipulating them (that's how I understand math..). Tactile and kinesthetic learners learn best in a laboratory setting and by doing fieldwork and classroom demonstrations (helps me "get it"). Making models to illustrate concepts works well. So does typing information on the computer, reorganizing material in different ways (if I re-do it my own way I remember it better), and taping class lectures and listening to them during exercise."

Task Three: Strategies
-take frequent study breaks
-use bright colors to highlight reading material
-listen to music while studying
-skim reading material to get a general picture before sitting down to read comprehensively

Task Four: Plan of Action
Honestly this doesn't apply, I finished all of my high school classes already. Plus, this entire blog post is just busy work, I've been identifying my learning type and doing similar activities since elementary school. Seriously, I'm graduating a year early and got close to perfect scores on the SAT, I know how to study and what works for me.

I'm working on this from home and don't have microsoft word, so this will not be in Mr. Sigmund's drop box. But it's right here if you don't believe I did it.

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