This blog is to follow my internship at Burney Harris Lyons Middle School with Mr. Corley's 8th grade science classes. It is part of the Learning Through Service project at Classic City PLC.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Activity 3

Topic 3: Study Skills

Task 1 - Skills Inventory
1. Get to class on time
2. Be prepared
3. Take good notes
4. Get started
5. Finish

The skills I could improve on are taking good notes and getting started. When taking notes, I tend to write too much and get behind the pace, or I zone out and miss material. Abbreviating my notes would help. Also, making sure that I am focused on the material will keep me from zoning out.

Task 2 - How to Take Notes and Combating Procrastination

a. taking better notes:
1. review notes from the previous class session
2. keep attention focused
3. listen for "signal statements"
4. put a "?" when unsure of something and review later
5. rewrite notes, making them more thorough and clarifying anything I was unsure of

b. controlling procrastination
2. commit to completing a task once started

3. make a schedule of tasks to complete and when, and STICK TO IT
4. find a good place to work on things with minimal distractions
5. reward yourslef whenever you complete a task

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