This blog is to follow my internship at Burney Harris Lyons Middle School with Mr. Corley's 8th grade science classes. It is part of the Learning Through Service project at Classic City PLC.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

BHL week 8

April 30, 2010 marked my 8th visit to BHL. Possibly the most uneventful day so far, all we did was watch videos. I got there at 8a.m., paid my $2 to wear jeans (since it was Friday, teachers are allowed to dress casual for a small donation to the sponsoring organization/charity, this week it was the March of Dimes), and headed to Mr Corley's room.

During ELT, we watched an episode of Fringe about some computer virus that could infect people. Science fiction stuff, loosely related to school. Over half the class had gone to a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting, so it was very quiet (a rare occurrence at BHL).

Once that was over, Mr Corley decided to clear the air of circulating rumors about three students who had been caught smoking pot on school property the day before. Apparently, these kids got weed but didn't know what to do with it or how to smoke it, so, as one girl explained and kind of demonstrated, they tried to roll a join/blunt out of notebook paper. They decided the best time to smoke would be during the recess after the CRCT, in front of teachers and other students. One kid said he was watching them try to light it, his dramatization was very funny. Another said that the whole area smelled like it, and that they were burning it more than smoking it.

Well, obviously they got caught and are going to be expelled, plus have criminal charges pressed against them. That's really going to suck for their future, since it's one thing to be caught with marijuana, but a totally other thing to have it in a school zone. Officer Davidson, the school cop, and two teachers walked the three students to the office, in front of the entire 8th grade. Apparently two of them looked embarrassed and scared, like anyone about to be arrested, but that one was almost proud to be sauntering in handcuffs to the office. This is the same girl I quoted in Task 2 Part 2 of Activity 9.

Second period, we watched the second half of some Kung-Fu movie, the title of which escapes me right now. It was a foreign film with subtitles. The fight scenes were like the fight scenes in comic books, except with live actors. It was alright I guess. Once the movie was over, the students got to vote on an episode of Fringe to watch, since Mr Corley had brought the first season on DVD.

Third and fourth period were exactly the same, nothing eventful. Lunch and planning I got to go home for, since I drove myself (I finally got my license!). I came back for 6th period, but there wasn't much point in doing so, since all we did was watch Fringe. Kids behave well when they aren't asked for much. Plus, they all seemed to get a kick out of the video selections, since usually they have to watch boring educational stuff.

Another successful day at BHL...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 49 + 7.5 = 56.6 hours thus far

    Still to go: May 7th, May 14

  3. This is looking very good so far, Hannah. I am impressed with how seriously you are taking this course. I wish I would see more work like this from others.

