This blog is to follow my internship at Burney Harris Lyons Middle School with Mr. Corley's 8th grade science classes. It is part of the Learning Through Service project at Classic City PLC.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Activity 10

Topic 10: Communication Skills

Rules for Effective Communication:
1. Recognize the difference between formal and informal settings and the communication needed for each.
2. Be clear and precise. Pay attention to your grammar and pronunciation.
3. Avoid slang -- it doesn't always translate well. The intended meaning isn't always what's received.
4. Know what you are saying without saying a word. Studies show that over 90 percent of communication is non-verbal. Be aware of what you are saying without speaking.
5. Be culturally aware. Gestures, proximity when speaking, and inflection can all be perceived differently by different cultures.
6. Proofread and revise. Formal, written communication needs to be grammatically correct. Always present your best.
Listen. Communication is two-way. Someone is transmitting and someone else is receiving. Make sure you are a good receiver.

Task 1 - List three examples for each type of communication
Written Communication: through words in print, on paper or electronically
1. Leaving a note to let my boyfriend know where I am, with a smiley face, so I don't have to wake him, and so he is at ease and knows I'm not mad at him
2. E-mail to someone
3. Graffiti, claiming marked territory

Verbal Communication: through speech and spoken word
1. saying "hey" to a friend passing in the hall
2. yelling at my little sister
3. discussing Harry Potter with my boyfriend.

Nonverbal Communication: trough gestures, body language, eye contact, etc
1. me and my boyfriend can appear to "read each others' minds", but actually we just know how to read each others' body language really well. When we are hanging out with people, we can tell when the other wants to leave, or how each other are feeling.
2. looking people in the eye makes them know you're listening and paying attention to them, that they're not just talking to a wall or being ignored
3. giving someone the middle finger. we all know what that means.

Task 2 - my personal communication skills

They're not the best but I get by. My main goal is to try and filter myself so i don't inadvertently piss people off (I tend to do that, I can be rather blunt). With general communication I am fine, but with more complex communication I need some work. Me and Phil talk about everything, and are usually really good at talking out our differences. However, we both have mental health issues and it can be rough... Sometimes I'm not sure how I feel, or how to say what's on my mind, and this usually results in a bad day. But for the most part me and Phil communicate really well.

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