This blog is to follow my internship at Burney Harris Lyons Middle School with Mr. Corley's 8th grade science classes. It is part of the Learning Through Service project at Classic City PLC.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Activity 1

Topic One: 7 Habits of a Successful PLC students

Successful PLC Students . . .

#1 -- Attend Class Faithfully -- You cannot learn if you are not present!

#2 -- Develop Good Study Habits -- Listen, take notes, read, and review what you have learned.

#3 -- Motivate Themselves -- Good students want to do well no matter what anyone else is doing or not doing.

#4 -- Set High Expectations -- Set goals and work toward achieving them. Know where you want to go, aim high, and you will get there.

#5 -- Learn from Their Mistakes -- "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." -Albert Einstein

#6 -- Built Healthy Relationships -- Surround yourself with others who are like-minded.

#7 -- Realize the Importance of Communication -- Learn to write well, speak well, and be aware of the message you send when you are not speaking.

Task One: Areas Needing Improvement

Personally, I feel that I could improve my self-motivation. I typically do enough to get by, but rarely put in the extra effort to perform at my maximum potential. Instead of being lazy, I can apply myself to perform outstandingly. I can prioritize what I need to do, with rewards for completing these tasks. One idea is to force myself to pay attention better and study. I could reward myself by getting extra time to just chill.

Task Two: Come up with a habit positive students have

A good addition to the 7 habits would be to set priorities. Doing this will help students such as myself to figure out what is important and how to achieve their goals. I would benefit because I would get what needs to be done, like schoolwork, completed and out of the way before doing less important things like shopping. Setting priorities will help daily tasks get completed efficiently and will help long term goals be met on time.